NIDO is an Italian word meaning nest. The NIDO is a special environment meant to replicate the home. In the NIDO, the children will be met with warmth, love, and care, as they are nourished, as they rest, and as they actively engage in the exploration of a calm and orderly place, tailored to promote their unique physical, emotional, and mental development.

Each day our teachers stimulate the five senses and promote motor skills through rich language and literature experiences, music and sound, indoor exploration, outdoor nature walks, and the planned presentation of learning materials.

Infants in the NIDO program arrive between 7:45 and 8:30 each morning and spend their day interacting with other children, being engaged by their teachers, and working with developmentally appropriate materials within a prepared environment.

A daily log of individually presented lessons, eating, resting, and diaper changes will be tracked and reported for the parents via email.

Requirements for the NIDO program: Children must be at least 3 months of age.

Food: Parents must provide breast milk, formula, or may come to breastfeed. All bottles must be marked with the child’s name and taken home on a daily basis to be washed.

Clothing: Clothing must allow the infant to have full movement of their bodies. Please avoid clothing which would restrict movement. Please provide several changes of clothing.

Diapering: Families provide disposable or cloth diapers, as well as diapering creams and/or lotions. MSoC will provide unscented wipes.

Bedding: Please provide a fitted crib sheet, familiar blanket, and comforting item (i.e. pacifier, small stuffed animal, etc.)